May 17, 2023Speaking Engagements

Sanjay Mavinkurve: Speaker on Maritime Corruption Webinar

Capt. Sanjay Mavinkurve, GM (Head of Health, Safety, Environment and Quality at Hafnia) was invited by the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (The Hong Kong Branch) to be a guest speaker on their webinar “Maritime Corruption, Global Action Needed”.


During the webinar on the 16th of May 2023, the panel discussed topics around corruption as a work environment issue, the extent of corruption and the need for collaboration, the three cs and the seven principles and the outlook for the future. Panel participants further discussed the empowerment of seafarers and supporting them in declining requests for facilitation payments. Other topics included parties that are responsible for paying delays incurred due to rejected facilitation payments and how to deal with harassment of seafarers by the authorities.


Panelists included leaders from The Nautical Institute (Hong Kong, MACN, Wilhelmsen and Skillplus. The webinar was successfully attended by over 60 viewers.

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Sanjay Mavinkurve
Head of HSEQ, DPA

M: +65 9248 9470 T:  +65 6971 8041

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